星期一, 1月 03, 2011

Windows 7 查詢剩餘啟動(active)次數的方法

Windows 7 查詢剩餘啟動次數:
slmgr.vbs /dlv 或 slmrg.vbs -dlv

Windows 7 查詢啟動有效時間:
slmgr.vbs /xpr

Display detailed license information.
By default, /dlv displays the license information for the installed operating system. Specifying the [Activation ID] parameter displays the license information for the specified edition associated with that Activation ID. Specifying the [All] parameter displays all applicable installed products' license information.
This operation does not require elevated privileges.
Display the activation expiration date for the product. By default, this refers to the current Windows edition and is primarily useful for KMS clients, because MAK and retail activation is perpetual.
Specifying the [Activation ID] parameter displays the activation expiration date of the specified edition associated with that Activation ID.
This operation does not require elevated privileges.

